A. Alexandrovski, A.S. Markosyan, H. Cai, M.M. Fejer
Photothermal measurements of absorption in LBO with a proxy pump calibration technique
A. Alexandrovski, Garrett D. Cole, Christoph Deutsch, Christopher Franz, David Follman, Paula Heu Absorption calibration of coatings with a proxy pump
Y. Furukawa, K. Kitamura, A. Alexandrovski, R.K. Route, M.M. Fejer, G. Foulon
Green induced infrared absorption in MgO and LiNbO3
A. Alexandrovski et. al.
UV and visible absorption in LiTaO3
A. Alexandrovski, M.M. Fejer, R.K. Route
Optical absorption measurements in Sapphire
M.M. Fejer, R.K. Route, A. Alexandrovski and V. Kondilenko
Heat treatment and optical absorption studies on Sapphire
M.M. Fejer, R.K. Route, A. Alexandrovski, R.L. Byer
Photothermal absorption measurements in optical materials
A. Alexandrovski, M.M. Fejer
CW gray-track formation in KTP
Additional publications
J.F. Power "Pulsed mode thermal lens effect detection in the near field via thermally induced probe beam spatial phase modulation," Appl. Opt. 29, 52-62 (1990)
Pao Kuang-Kuo, Mahendra Munidasa "Single-beam interferometry of a thermal bump", Appl. Opt. 29, 5326-5331 (1990)
S.E. Bialkowski, A. Chartier "Diffraction effects in single- and two-laser photothermal lens spectroscopy", Appl. Opt. 36, 6711-6721 (1997)
M.E. Long, R.L. Swofford, and A.C. Albrecht "Thermal lens technique: a new method of absorption spectroscopy", Science 191, 183-184 (1976)
W.B. Jackson, N.M. Amer, A.C. Boccara, and D. Fournier "Photothermal deflection spectroscopy and detection", Appl. Opt. 20, 1333-1344 (1981)
S.E. Bialkowski Photothermal Spectroscopy Methods for Chemical Analysis, Chemical analysis series, v.134 (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996)