Absorption measurement system PCI-03 (for one to unlimited number of pump lasers). Included are
- PCI-03 Main Unit with probe laser, detectors, manual transmitted probe Imaging Unit (tpIU), Motorized XYZ Scanning assembly 2"x2"x2"(50x50x50 mm)
-1"x1"x1" (25x25x25 mm) motorized XYZ Scanning assembly
-1"x1"x1" (25x25x25 mm) manual XYZ scanning assembly
- fully motorized tpIU
- the Z-axis motorized tpIU
- Set of matching optics for one pump laser (pump lasers are not included)
- Set of third-party electronics (LIA, chopper, power meter)
- PC with LabVIEW data acquisition software
- Two sample holders for standard optics (customer's choice)
- Mounted calibration standards and alignment pinhole
- 12 months warranty on parts and labor.